Perhaps one of the biggest challenges a new practitioner faces in establishing a practice, is finding and hiring outstanding employees. In spite of the fact that I have experienced significant staff loyalty and stability during my career, I have made my share of poor hiring decisions as well!
Following the steps I’ve listed below can help you avoid some of the mistakes I’ve made along the way. And remember… always hire for attitude and train for competence!
- Review resumes — The best source of immediately accessible resumes is found online through Writing and placing local newspaper ads may still have some appeal in a small town market, but are less efficient.
- Telephone screening — Call those candidates whose resumes look promising so that you can evaluate their voice, diction, and response to a simple question. A short five minute phone conversation can tell you a great deal about a potential employee’s verbal skills!
- Formal application — If satisfied to this point, invite the candidate to your office to pick up a formal application for employment. This gives you the opportunity to visually assess the individual without investing a great deal of your time. In minutes, you can evaluate the person’s smile, handshake and appearance.
- First interview — The purpose of the first interview is to more fully evaluate each candidate for employment by asking each the same ten questions. Design your questions to ensure thoughtful and creative responses. Challenge the candidate to resolve real life issues, and avoid asking any question that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no!”
- Check references — Even when you’re sure that you don’t need to check references, check references!! According to Tim Twigg, President of Bent Erickson and Associates, a nationally recognized HR company, 43% of the information found on a resume is inaccurate or misleading.
- Second interview — The purpose of the second interview is to fully detail the primary, secondary, and tertiary responsibilities for the open position, and to detail the corporate culture and office policies by reviewing the policy manual.
- Working interview and staff lunch — If satisfied with your candidate(s) through the first six steps, invite those with promise to spend a morning in the practice either performing their primary responsibility or shadowing a potential co-worker. Block out ninety minutes for a staff lunch with the candidate. Chances are your staff will be able to determine whether or not the potential employee is a good fit for your practice, and assist you in making a final decision.
If you think these steps take time to accomplish, you’re right!! Finding and hiring the best potential employee(s) for your practice deserves your commitment! The potential payoff to your practice is team synergy, stability, and success! For more detailed information, take a look at the Pride Institute’s manual “How to Hire Simply the Best!” Good luck!
Building a Booming Business
Dentists are typically well prepared to care for their patients through excellent clinical training, but are grossly underprepared to own or operate a small business in today’s changing and challenging marketplace. Learn valuable real life lessons in this dynamic and fast-paced program which will touch on many of the factors necessary to operate your practice successfully.
“Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it,
for that determines our success or failure.”
Norman Vincent Peale