The Scottish writer, Alexander Chalmers, once advised that “The three grand essentials of happiness are: Something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for.” If that’s true, here’s your homework assignment for January:
Something to do:
First, if you remain employed, congratulations! No doubt you’ve got lots to do! If your job disappeared during the pandemic, however, create some structure in your daily life and find something to do. While searching for employment, consider an opportunity to volunteer your time for a worthy organization. You never know, that gift of your time and talents may indeed create the opportunity you seek.
Someone to love:
Let those you love know that you love them by sending a hand-written note or small gift. Thank a mentor who made a positive impact upon your life or let a teacher know how much they meant to you. Don’t wait, for the opportunity to do so won’t last forever!
Amanda Bradley wrote:
“Some people know the way
to make each day seem more worthwhile,
They do the nicest things for you
and always wear a smile,
They make this world a better place
by practicing the art
of reaching out to others
and by giving from the heart.”
Something to hope for:
A phrase penned by Alexander Pope in his 1734 An Essay on Man, remains pertinent to our lives and more important than ever as we embrace this new year: “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.” In addition to having something to do and someone to love, may your hopes and dreams this year come true.
“Life is ten per cent of what you make it, and ninety per cent of how you take it.”
~~Irving Berlin